Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Example Database Project

Once all the names and captions have been changed we can now add the code to the final part of the Database.

First we should add code to the Search Button on fmDataBase form:

Private Sub cmSearch_Click ()

Load fmSearch

fmSearch.Show 1

End Sub

Also we must also set the lastrecord again so we can place this in FORM_ONLOAD() procedure in the fmSEARCH form.

LastRecord = FileLen (App.Path + "\" + "Records.rec") \

Len (RecordDB)

Next we will add code to the option explicit section in the General Declarations of the fmSEARCH form.

Option Explicit

Dim LastRecord As Long

Dim RecordDB As RECDAT

Dim Which As Integer

The last variable is so we know which search to do once we have selected a field to search.

The code for the option buttons is as follows:

Private Sub opARTIST_Click()

txtARTIST.Enabled = True

txtRECORD.Enabled = False

txtSTYLE.Enabled = False

Which = 1

End Sub

Private Sub opRECORD_Click()

txtARTIST.Enabled = False

txtRECORD.Enabled = True

txtSTYLE.Enabled = False

Which = 2

End Sub

Private Sub opSTYLE_Click()

txtARTIST.Enabled = False

txtRECORD.Enabled = False

txtSTYLE.Enabled = True

Which = 3

End Sub

All that the above code does is when an option button has been selected, it stops you being able to enter any text in to any other text box. But the which variable we will come to later when I show you the search code, all it does is define which field to search in.

Now here is the code for the search.

Private Sub cmSearch_Click()

Dim i As Integer

If Which < 1 Or Which > 3 Then

Exit Sub

End If


i = 1


Get #1, i, RecordDB

If Which = 1 Then

If Trim(UCase(txtARTIST.text)) =

Trim(UCase(RecordDB.ARTIST)) Then

lstMATCHES.AddItem Trim(RecordDB.ARTIST) _

+ Space(2) + Trim(RecordDB.RECORD) _

+ Space(2) + Trim(RecordDB.STYLE)

End If

ElseIf Which = 2 Then

If Trim(UCase(txtRECORD.text)) =

Trim(UCase(RecordDB.RECORD)) Then

lstMATCHES.AddItem Trim(RecordDB.ARTIST) _

+ Space(2) + Trim(RecordDB.RECORD) _

+ Space(2) + Trim(RecordDB.STYLE)

End If

ElseIf Which = 3 Then

If Trim (UCase(txtSTYLE.text)) =

Trim (UCase(RecordDB.STYLE)) Then

lstMATCHES.AddItem Trim(RecordDB.ARTIST) _

+ Space(2) + Trim(RecordDB.RECORD) _

+ Space(2) + Trim(RecordDB.STYLE)

End If

End If


i = i + 1

Loop While i <= LastRecord

End Sub

What the above code does is it gets the data from the Database file and stores it in the RecordDB template. It then converts the data to uppercase and takes away any leading or trailing space, then it takes the text from the textbox which is selected and trims it down and converts it uppercase. Then the textbox data is compared to the data in the field from the currently selected record. If a match is found the code posts the results in the list box so you can see that it found what you where searching for.

Some final things to do are unload the search form when you click close.

Private Sub cmCLOSE_Click()

Unload fmSearch

End Sub

Also we have to close the file, so no errors occur when we reopen the file. So in the terminate procedure of the fmDataBase form enter the code.

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

Close #1

End Sub

Another thing that needs to be done is to stop you over entering text into the text boxes, as this will cause an error when you come to write or search the Database. So on the FORM_LOAD procedure of each form we need to add a maxlen to each of the textboxes.

txtARTIST.Maxlen = Len (RecordDB.ARTIST)

txtRECORD.Maxlen = Len (RecordDB.RECORD)

txtSTYLE.Maxlen = Len (RecordDB.STYLE)

This code above stops you from over entering text in to the text boxes.

The Database we just made is not very useful but it gives you a idea of what can be achieved with Database. As a exercise why don’t, you try and make a booking keeping database, where you can keep records of people who have taken out book’s etc, or expand this example further by adding extra features like a CD collection or Games collection, and prices, dates you paid and bought them.

This is the end of this tutorial on Simple Database’s, I hope you enjoyed it and found it useful, and the topics covered in this tutorial are just a small amount of what Databases are all about. If you have any problems or questions just email: or visit and I will be glad to help you.

Paul Kinlan



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